Intrusion Detection

The TWM Associates, Inc. (TWM) team of network security engineers experienced in analyzing vast arrays of scans, probes, and network reconnaissance techniques used by malicious intruders.

TWM’s professionals have an understanding of the workings of communication protocols, methods of network traffic analysis, and with troubleshooting various types of networking complaints, from routing problems to firewall and critical server issues.

TWM conducts scans and probes in accordance with our customer’s security policy and industry best practices. The information gathered in these scans and probes is used to determine the effectiveness of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in recognizing specific types of scans and probes, as well as alerting appropriate staff. Assessments can also increase the ability of security staff in analyzing IDS-generated data to determine if a possible attack has taken place.

TWM provides our customers with realistic recommendations to remedy issues based on the results of findings with a focus on ensuring IDS placement provides optimal protection and integrates effectively with other management and technical controls.
